All You Need To Know About Piso WiFi Pause Time

All across the Philippines, Piso Wifi is one of the preferred wifi amenities. Piso wifi was brought into the picture by PISONET, an arcade internet. So, the company was established in 2017 and Piso wifi found popularity just three years hence.
To use the service, one uses a vending machine and coins to rent this service. The default customer profile of Piso Wi-Fi is people looking for affordable internet service options. The best part about Piso Wi-Fi is that one need not be technically sound to use this service. Another name for the Piso Wi-Fi portal is router login
This article shares a step-by-step guide on how to manage 10.10 0.1 Piso WiFi Pause Time in just a few minutes.
Table of Contents
Defining Piso Wifi Pause
The world we live in today is dependent on the internet in several aspects. Pausing the internet even for a little while would hamper business at several levels. Correspondingly, several internet service providers have cropped up in every nook and corner of the world. An individual user or an organization will have several options for getting wifi and using it from the vicinity of wherever they install the router. Piso wifi service is one of the top internet service providers available through the current times. Clients vouch for their reliable services and their popularity increases globally by the day.
In most of the devices that Piso wifi uses, the IP address is by default set to By typing this IP address on the browser’s address bar, a user gets to the Piso wifi network’s login page. A user can type his username and password here in the specified spaces. Upon clicking on the tab that says login, the user can access or start using the internet.
About Piso wifi: what Makes It Useful?
Piso wifi is among the safest and most affordable ways to connect to the internet. It is available in many public places across the Philippines. In the opinion of many Filipinos, Piso wifi is an essential service. Besides, the best part about Piso wifi is that it is a service that evolves all the time. It becomes even more useful for users as time passes.
So, all across the Philippines, Piso wifi is elaborately used in parks, terminals, and malls. However, when a user seeks to use the service to browse the web, he has to first create a password by using which, his device can connect to the network.
Overall Piso wifi is nothing but software that leverages the existing hardware for establishing a Piso wifi hotspot. To set up a public wifi network, one buys a router compatible with Piso wifi software and installs it in a public place. It is necessary to configure the router before one can use it for surfing the web. The router is configured with the necessary settings associated with the network. It is then connected to the internet by using the password. Paying for the connection is also involved here as the service is not free.
About The IP Address is the IP address that devices use to access the internet in local networks. So, is a local IP address.
When any device connects to a network, its IP address is used to address it. This way, Internet Protocol (IP) interconnectivity is permitted among devices.
In most cases, the IP address of a wireless router is This allows it to connect to the internet. For any wireless router, this IP address is also used to edit the router settings, such as changing the password and name of wifi. A user accomplishes this through router configurations.
It is noteworthy that the IP address is usable only for a local network as with the internet, it has no direct connection. For their users, internet service providers generally provide a public IP address which is a must for internet connectivity.
Piso WiFi Pause Time
Piso WiFi pause time is one of the types of coin-operated vending machines or an Internet terminal. One feeds Piso tokens into this terminal to gain access to the internet. One frequently comes across such terminals at public places such as train stations, airports, and malls.
For every token or fixed coin that the user feeds into the vending machine, it enables internet access for the user. In case the user does not insert additional tokens or coins during the pause period, internet access is terminated.
The pause time of Piso WiFi will be distinct for each machine. It depends on what the machine’s owner configured. In the case of some machines, the time taken to stop will be longer than others.
If disruptions are to be avoided, users need to be alerted about pause times. As an example, it is possible that the client application loses unsaved data or gets disconnected from the other activities that it is undertaking.
Settings That Enable The 10.10 0.1 Piso WiFi Pause Time
There is a procedure to be followed for the removal of the time limit on your Piso wifi. Let us go through the guide below to gain a deeper understanding of the same.
- When you click on Piso, which is the network name, you connect with the wifi
- Open your web browser
- type and right-click your mouse
- Now login to the Piso wifi dashboard
- Now for the admin name and password, feed in the default terms, both admin. However, to undergo the detailed procedure for login, press the Login link.
- On the menu, click the “Time Settings” tab. You’ll find it towards the left.
- To select “Pause Time” check the box next to it.
- Type in the number value in minutes of whatever pause time is needed.
- Click on the Save button to apply the changes
- Make sure you are online before you set Piso wifi pause time
- If you still face a problem in setting Piso wifi pause time, refer to Piso wifi guidelines or contact the company.
Distinctive Features of Piso wifi
In the free package of Piso wifi, 15 minutes of internet use per day is made available. At any time, you can connect up to four devices to a single account.
Another important feature of Piso wifi is that registration and cancellation facilities are easy. One can access these services from anywhere in the Philippines, provided they are close to a service provider. One can do so by entering one’s mobile number.
There are multiple applications of the Piso Wifi pause time function. It is one of the feasible and effective wifi control solutions that not only enhance user experience but also increase revenue streams.
As a provider of wifi services, one should necessarily know about the Piso Wifi pause time function. This lets you control and limit your home network. The best part about the Piso Wifi pause time function is that it is easy to set up. By going through the instructions shared in this article, you’ll be able to control network access.
As a word of caution, the Piso Wifi pause time function has to be used with care as it brings a set of potential disadvantages with it. This particularly becomes the case when clients are on the network.
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