What Does ISTG Meaning, The Internet Slang Mean?

ISTG Meaning: is a fast-paced digital world that we live in today. If one has to effectively communicate, it becomes a must to understand abbreviations such as ISTG. Otherwise, the degree of confusion can be enhanced. You might have to ask the sender of the text to explain the meaning of ISTG to you. This situation might turn out to be typical if you see a group message that says ISTG. You might even feel that everyone in the group knows the meaning of ISTG, except you.
It is hard to deny that texting these days is full of abbreviations. At times, you might even come across two abbreviations in a single sentence. The younger generation is familiar with these lingos, but it is not always so for the grown-ups.
If we turn our attention to ISTG, it is now one of the most popular internet slang that we come across over the web. Teenagers use ISTG and similar slang terms all the time when they chat.
Now, in this article, we will explain what ISTG actually means and our intent is solely to simplify online communication for you. So, we’ll be considering the origins of ISTG slang and how does it find usage in modern internet lingo. The meaning of ISTG will also be our core of attention and we’ll take a look at the factors that make ISTG popular.
This is going to be an adventure of sorts and you’ll feel as though you are cracking a code. Upon learning the meaning of ISTG, your online interaction will be smarter and you might even find some opportunities to show off before your friends.
So, yes, ISTG does have an origin and it did not just appear. It was popularized when texting became one of humanity’s preferred modes of communication.
There is a certain charm about using abbreviations that is difficult to express. One does not have to type as much and saves trouble and hassle. Besides, the sentences written begin to look crisp.
The only problem that arises with using abbreviations is that it becomes easy to confuse the reader. So, knowing the generally used abbreviations is important and ISTG is just one of them.
You’ll be surprised to note that ISTG is not just an abbreviation but also something that comes with emotional baggage. This only tells us that your friend is likely to type ISTG in his sentence when he has strong sentiments over any matter.
Let us consider an instance. I have a little sister who uses her smartphone to chat with her friends. When her friends share unbelievable stories, she types ISTG in response along with whatever else she has to say. This makes her text more impactful.
You might find her sending texts like “ISTG, I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” But, that is only when she is running late. If she’s been eating something nice, she’ll text “ISTG, this is the best meal I ever had.” So, yes, ISTG brings intensity to your sentences.
Being short and sweet are not the only reasons that make ISTG a popular abbreviation. It’s also because the abbreviation packs a punch to make text impactful.
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What Does ISTG Stand For?
ISTG has a simple meaning. It stands for “I swear to God“. In essence, ISTG specifies two things. Either the user of the term is being honest, or he’s being serious.
When you come across someone using ISTG in a chat, they are just trying to say that it is the full truth that they are saying. You just need to believe them and take their word for it.
So, this just goes to show that ISTG is a term associated with a certain degree of gravity and boldness. When you add ISTG to your text, it adds sincerity and emphasis to your conversation. ISTG in your conversation makes it legitimate.
ISTG is available at all places on the internet. It is popularly used on Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms. When friends send DMs or direct messages to each other, they like to add ISTG in the text.
An important use case of ISTG is to express annoyance. Then, ISTG is also used when someone seeks intense emotions concerning any matter.
Ultimately, you’ll have a choice of using ISTG in lowercase and uppercase. There are no hard and fast rules and you can go for the version that works the best for you. Both versions are often interchangeably used. However, ISTG in uppercase might make the conversion more intense as compared to ISTG in lowercase. The sense of emphasis is more but it is ultimately up to the reader’s interpretation. Another way of going about it is to type ISTG in uppercase or lowercase based on the context.
It is safe to assume that now we have a fair bit of an idea about what ISTG is all about. We can use it in our online conversations starting today!
Usage Of ISTG
- Conveying frustration
Using ISTG is one of the ways to vent strong feelings.
Example: ISTG, work will make me go crazy today!
- Expressing truthfulness
Bring authenticity to your words by using ISTG.
Example: ISTG, it’s the truth. I hit the jackpot!
- Emphasizing Opinions
Highlight your strong feelings regarding some matter.
Example: ISTG, I’ve never seen a better Live concert.
- Reinforce a Commitment
Express that you are serious regarding a promise you made.
Example: ISTG I’ll reach on time.
- Showing Agreement
Strongly agree with someone else’s statement.
Example: ISTG you’re right.
Even while ISTG in lowercase and uppercase can be interchangeably used, it is best to not use ISTG in uppercase in business or professional settings. The uppercase version specifies additional emphasis, but it is up to the context.
The Origin of ISTG
In the case of most internet acronyms, they began in the 1990s. However, ISTG came into large-scale use later and began to be used in the 2000s.
The core of this development was access to chat servers by teenagers, like AOL Instant Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger. Young people started using an entirely new range of typical abbreviations and at times, readers would take pains to understand them. At times, they would surf the web to figure out what the abbreviation implied.
It was then in 2007 that ISTG first appeared in the Urban Dictionary. In the catalogs of Urban Dictionary, one finds a collection of nearly all slang abbreviations on the internet with their meanings.
Upon finding a mention in Urban Dictionary in 2007, ISTG actually found popularity in 2010. So, that’s when everyone started using the slang abbreviation in their conversations. Everywhere on WhatsApp and Snapchat, one would find ISTG being used. But, now, ISTG is everywhere on the Internet.
Confusion is to be avoided when you see ISTG in an online conversation
The best way to avoid confusion when you see ISTG in an online conversation is to break the abbreviation down into words. ISTG stands for I Swear To God. So, mentally, one has to replace ISTG in the online text with its meaning, I Swear To God. The meaning of the text will become clear by itself.
ISTG is now an important part of texting slang and stands for I Swear To God. Teenagers frequently know what ISTG means but it is not always so for older people. In general, ISTG is used to emphasize a promise, complete honesty, or merely agreement.
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