How To Prepare A Company Dossier For The Search For Private Investment

Prepare A Company Dossier For The Private Investment : If you have come to this post, it is because you are researching what is the best strategy to present your project. Knowing how to prepare a company dossier for the search for private investment is fundamental to the victory of your ideas.
Nowadays, it is very important to learn how to sell in the ecosystem that surrounds you, either to investors or customers. And it all depends on the way you communicate. It will be what will determine the success or failure of what you have set out to do.
Table of Contents
Company Or Corporate Dossier, A Tool To Search For Investors
An ideal selling technique to attract investors; it is through the company dossier, also called pitch deck or corporate dossier. Although its main mission is the persuasion of investors, it is a multifunctional document that you can use as a stimulant for your business.
Where you will try to express in a brief and visual way the objective of your company, your business model and growth expectations, breaking down the most relevant aspects and encouraging interest in your company and creating the need to invest in it for the opportunity it would entail.
If this is what you have in mind for your business, you’ve come to the ideal place! We will detail all the aspects that you must take into account when making your business dossier.
Structure And Content Of The Company Dossier
These are the items you should try when developing your dossier:
- Company Presentation
- Opportunity
- Market
- Value proposition
- Product
- Business model
- Go-to market
- Traction
- Finance
- Roadmap
- Competence
- Team
- Divestment opportunities
- Round Details
As you can see there are many points that must be addressed in your business dossier, but remember that the document should not be long and boring, but quite the opposite. Ideally, it should be light, but at the same time attractive and easy to understand. It should make an impact on the reader (investor), that catches their attention and that transmits a lot of value to your business. And that’s where the art and complexity of this tool lies.
We have broken down each aggregate mentioned above in the structure, expressing in great detail how to develop it.
We also talked about the aesthetics of your dossier and we leave you some tips that you should keep in mind regarding the design to achieve the success of your pitch deck. In addition to how to get the most out of it.
As we have already mentioned in previous posts, these last two elements are also especially important when looking for private investment for your project. Being the one pager the cover letter of your business, which will allow investors to evaluate your project in an agile way. And which translates into the perfect opportunity to highlight your strengths.
While the cap table highlights the distribution of shares of a company. This will transmit transparency and professionalism to the investor and will allow him to see the capital invested in it since its creation.
Next, we leave you the link to download the practical guide with all the necessary resources for the creation of your company dossier and get to work!
Revalue your company intelligently and continue to grow. Manage to move to the next level with investors through the right steps to create the ideal company dossier. And remember; it leaves room for questions, adds value and keeps investors interested.
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