How Webinars Help In Inbound Marketing?

Webinars or online seminars are a very effective channel to show the advantages of a product or service to your target audience, and have become an excellent method to develop the so-called Inbound Marketing.
With these actions, we naturally attract the user to a brand or company, and we can contact him at the beginning of the purchase process, once he has shown interest in us, thus avoiding being excessively intrusive.
Another advantage offered by webinars is that the messages and treatment are closer , which makes it easier to attract new customers in a friendly, simple way and without the need to travel.
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5 Steps To Build A Perfect Webinar
Although, as we have pointed out, a webinar can become a great branding, lead capture and customer approach strategy, planning and a method are necessary to guarantee its success.
These are, in my opinion, the necessary steps to develop the ideal webinar:
Step 1: Objectives and Audience
Defining our objectives is the first step that we have to be clear about before launching our webinar. We need an attractive and current topic, and analyze and know the audience we want to address.
Step 2: Web environment
We must create a landing page with the basic information of the webinar: time, duration, brief summary of what it is going to deal with and some example or images of the products or services that we are going to present.
Through a form on said landing page, users must leave us their data to later send them the link and connection instructions. This data will then be incorporated into our CRM or our contact base.
As in any article or web content, the title is essential. Let’s think of an attractive title, that draws the user’s attention, and place it in a visible place both on the page and in the invitation.
Step 3: Broadcast channels
The newsletter is one of the means that works best for the dissemination of the online seminar. Email allows us to personalize messages and generate links that will help us give more visibility to our content, and reach the maximum potential customers.
It is very important that we do not forget to segment the “target” according to the theme of the webinar, that is, we will not send the invitation to the same contacts if the online seminar is about digital marketing than if it is about a financial tool. We must take good care of who may be interested in our content.
In addition, to increase participation, it is convenient to spread the call on social networks, and if we want to reach an audience other than that of our database, it is advisable to propose a pay-per-click campaign.
Step 4: Specialized platform
Once we have registered, we must create a session on a platform from which to broadcast our online seminar. There are numerous tools that offer the service such as Skype, Go to Webinar or WebEx Event Center or Google Hangouts.
Step 5: Close language and interaction of the attendees
To organize a quality webinar, it is necessary to use a language that is close and consistent with our target audience .
It is important that the attendees do not feel that a machine is speaking to them, for this, it is advisable to broadcast the webinar live and, if possible, with a webcam so that they can see us. In this way, we humanize the action and connect more with our audience.
The more participatory the seminar, the better, so we avoid being disconnected or not paying us the attention we would like. For example, most platforms allow you to launch live surveys so that attendees respond in real time and see the result instantly.
Another of the practices that usually improves the attention of the attendees is to open questions and answer live to the doubts that arise .
Other Recommendations To Consider
- Offer attendees our contact information : email, telephone, etc., thus making it easier for them to call us if they want more information or even already have a project in mind.
- Launch a commercial offer limited only to webinar attendees.
- Send a feedback survey to let our customers know that their opinion matters to us.
- Consult the statistics, summaries and graphs offered by the platforms and that offer us webinar data such as the attendance rate, number of attendees and registered, questions asked, evaluations, etc. Very useful information that will help you improve your approach to the customer.
- Always record it! It is very valuable content that you can send to non-attendees, offer it as a resource on your website, and even share it internally with your team to improve their training.
I would like to conclude the post by remembering that the process does not end when the online session ends . The organization of webinars in any company requires consistency and continuous follow-up that must be coordinated with the rest of the departments so that customers receive the necessary information and attention.
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