What Is Mixed Reality? How To Increase Our Level Of Sales In Business Using Mixed Reality?

The combination between the real world and the virtual world through electronic devices is called Mixed Reality. The term mixed reality is closely related to the concept of augmented reality or augmented reality. These terms are often used interchangeably.
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What Is Mixed Reality?
Mixed Reality is also known as Hybrid Reality. It is a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality. Bringing the best of both worlds together: Embed computer-generated (VR) graphic content into a 3D scene that represents the real world or directly into the real world (AR).
Mixed Reality has begun to be implemented in more sectors like education, industry, business, entertainment, health, among others. One of the best applications that can be given to this technology, focusing on the business market, would be the creation of life-size 3D objects, on which to later work. The spaces can be used to test developments that will later be translated into reality.
How To Increase Our Level Of Sales In Business Using Mixed Reality?
Mixed reality can be of great help in multiple areas, although the video game industry is the leader in the use of this technology, there are many sectors that are looking to exploit it, adapting it to their needs.
Communicating With Clients
Mixed reality allows us to change our communication with our clients. With simulation, we can surprise and position our brand in the mind of the consumer.
For a clear example is the augmented reality advertising carried out by the well-known private transport brand Uber, creating virtual adventures at the Zurich station
Differentiation Regarding Competition
With virtual reality and augmented reality, we can carry out a differentiation strategy when offering our product or service to clients in spaces where there is a lot of competition, that is, at events or fairs.
Toyota uses virtual reality to present its new car models.
For Demonstration Purpose
Through simulation, we can offer our products or services to the client and give them the opportunity to live the experiences they would get with our product or service.
Mixed reality congratulates the customer on their purchase decision because it allows them to get a clearer idea of what the product or service is like, they can request changes or modifications that better adapt to their needs or they can experience how their life would change with its use.
The famous clothing and shoe brand Timberland uses virtual reality so that its customers can know how their clothes fit if they go through a fitting room or the Ara Pacis museum in Rome uses mixed reality to give their visitors a better experience and admire the works of the museum that are rebuilt and recover the original colors.
Sales Discussion
While selling the product to a customer, a series of questions or doubts may arise from the customer. To counteract these situations, there are sales arguments that help you close the deal with the client.
It is very important at this time to have different arguments to show the customer that the product or service can meet their needs or solve their problems. Augmented reality and virtual reality help us improve our sales argumentation and convince the customer more easily.
For Training The Employees
We can also use mixed reality for the training our employees receive. At the beginning of our relationship, to be able to immerse ourselves in the philosophy of the company, to be able to teach our workers how to act in different situations with real simulations or to be able to work on cases of success or failure.
Mixed reality is a perfect tool for theoretical and practical learning simultaneously. Volkswagen Navarra has incorporated virtual reality to train its workers, you have the opportunity to take a course that includes different aspects of the Volkswagen Polo.