How Is Energy Efficiency Calculated?

It is no secret that data centers are causing an increasingly noticeable change in energy consumption. Currently there are data centers under construction with energy capacities of up to 60MW of installed power.
To measure efficiency, the Energy Use Effectiveness Index is used, which is often better known by its acronym in English, PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness ) . The function of this index is to directly relate the energy consumption of the IT infrastructure that is, the IT equipment of the data center, with the total consumption of energy entering the data center.
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Increasing The Energy Efficiency in Data Centers
Many companies like Apple, Google and Microsoft, along with data center hosting companies, have installed some of their large data centers in suitable sites to improve their energy efficiency (the case of Google is known, which has many of its servers in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and also uses evaporative cooling techniques; not surprisingly, data centers designed by Google use half the energy of a conventional data center).
Once we know how to calculate this efficiency, if necessary, you can take into account some guidelines to optimize the figures as much as possible. There are guidelines that each company could consider, if there is a possibility of improvement in each area
Checking The Raised Floors
To avoid possible air leaks raised floors are elements to consider . It is essential that the floors are constantly checked since, as they are raised and movable tiles, the cold air under pressure has multiple escape routes. This type of soil is susceptible to being manipulated, increasing the chances of poor air flow distribution, or, in the worst case.
It is not possible without the measurement. To assess any efficiency improvement, as a starting point, you need to be able to measure existing energy consumption over time. By having a constant measurement, it will be possible to make a comparison at different points in time and observe in a clearer way if there was improvement.
Regulating Humidity
Managing ambient humidity levels can improve the efficiency of a data center . By operating with a slightly wide humidity band within the standard and SLAs, it reduces humidification and dehumidification needs, resulting in corresponding energy savings.
Modular rooms
These modular rooms allow companies to periodically apply the innovations that constantly appear on the market. Many of the innovations arise with the aim of optimizing resources and improving energy efficiency.